Corpi e segni tra digitale e sessuazione

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Corpi e segni tra digitale e sessuazione

30 January 2013 @ 15:00 -18:00

Laura Fortini e Teresa Numerico ne discutono con: Silvia Contarini, docente di littéraure et civilisation de l'Italie contemporaine all'Università Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense Tiziana Terranova, docente di Sociologia della Comunicazione presso il Dipartimento di Studi Americani, Culturali e Linguistici dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" Patrizia Violi, docente di Semiotica presso il Dipartimento di Discipline della Comunicazione dell’Università di Bologna Silvia Contarini è Directrice adjointe du Département d'italien. Co-directrice, avec Christophe Mileschi, du CRIX (Centre de Recherches Italiennes de…

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30 January 2013 @ 15:00 -18:00

Room “Ignazio Ambrogio” – Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures – University Roma Tre

Laura Fortini e Teresa Numerico ne discutono con:

Silvia Contarini, docente di littéraure et civilisation de l’Italie contemporaine all’Università Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense
Tiziana Terranova, docente di Sociologia della Comunicazione presso il Dipartimento di Studi Americani, Culturali e Linguistici dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”
Patrizia Violi, docente di Semiotica presso il Dipartimento di Discipline della Comunicazione dell’Università di Bologna

Silvia Contarini è Directrice adjointe du Département d’italien. Co-directrice, avec Christophe Mileschi, du CRIX (Centre de Recherches Italiennes de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense), EA 369. Dirige la rivista Narrativa.
Tiziana Terranovais currently associate professor in the Sociology of Communications at the Dipartimento di Studi Americani, Culturali e Linguistici, Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’. Her research interests lie in the area of the culture, science, technology and the political economy of new media.
She is the author of Corpi Nella Rete (Costa & Nolan 1996), Network Culture: politics for the information age (Pluto Press, 2004) and numerous essays on new media published in journals such as Derive e Approdi, New Formations, Ctheory, Angelaki, Social Text, Theory Culture and Society, and Trasnversal. She is a member of the editorial board of the journal Studi Culturali (Il Mulino); a regular participant to the grassroots seminars of the Italian nomadic university ‘uninomade’; and occasionally also a writer on matters of new media for the Italian newspaper Il manifesto. She is also currently a member of the research network ATACD (, A Topological Approach to Cultural Dynamics) funded by the 6th European Framework. At the moment she is co-editing, together with Couze Venn, a special issue on Michel Foucault for the journal Theory, Culture and Society on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his death.
Patrizia Violi is full professor in Semiotics at the Department of Communication, Bologna University, Italy. Since 2002 Director of the PhD Program in Semiotics and vice President of Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici of Bologna. Since 2005 Director of the PhD Program in Semiotic Disciplines, Italian Institute of Human Sciences and the University of Bologna. Director of the International Centre of Semiotic and Cognitive Studies at San Marino University. Visiting scholar at Berkeley, at Watson IBM Research Centre at Yorktown Heights, at Gaikokugo Daigaku, Tokyo. She has taught courses and seminars in a number of universities amongst others: Toronto, Vancouver, Trondheim, Lugano, Madrid, Valencia, Sapporo, Sofia, Imatra. Main research areas: semantics, semiotic theory, text semiotics, semiotics of culture, subjectivity and gender. At present her research is concentrating on the origins of semiosis and the emergence of sense from the body, with special reference to pre-verbal semiotics of new born children.

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